Thursday, September 12, 2019

Day 18: Mole', Dents, and the Impossible Whopper

Today I tried Burger King's Impossible Whopper. It was almost exactly the same as an ordinary Whopper except for a slight plant-reminiscent aftertaste. They say in the advertisements that it's 100% Whopper. I'd go so far as to say that it's 98% Whopper, no more, no less.

What is weird though is the feeling of "no guilt." I guess I'm buying into the marketing, but everyone knows in the back of their mind that meat is created by killing a living animal, most often after a life of misery if said animal lived on a factory farm. Now, I'm about as far from vegan as one can get, but this is something that I have to mention because it feels a little ... Strange. Like now society sees me a bit differently because I forwent the meat and paid an extra dollar for a no-meat meat sandwich.

Though I am interested in lab grown meat for an entirely different reason. (The Impossible Whopper is not lab grown meat, it's a plant-based meat substitute.) I like the idea of science creating food that would have been impossible for my great grandparents to have eaten. What can I say?

Today one of my coworkers shared some of his mole (the Mexican sauce) with me. It was not exactly what I would consider "to my taste," but I was forced to eat it all due to the fact that he gave it to me out of his goodwill (and I like him, he's cool.) So I forced it down and chased it with an energy drink. I guess that makes me mature?

Dent work is difficult. Apparently it's the hardest part of the probationary period. You just have to use so much force to get those pesky little dents out. I got several blisters on my hands because I was pushing too hard in the wrong way.

But that aside, the weekend is here and I'm happy about that. I've been counting down to it all week. It's annoying, but it's also rewarding. I just hope that I'm still around to count those days down after my probation period ends.

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