Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Day 12: Friction and the buffing wheel

I wake up in the middle of the night with buffing wheels spinning behind my tired, sleepy eyes. The sound of brass being worn down by a spinning cloth wheel echoes behind my ears at irregular intervals. I am becoming one with the buffing wheel. 

Eight solid hours, almost non-stop, of buffing the same god damned dongle two hundred and sixty times. I have the process down to a science. 

I also go through a whole bunch of gloves. Maybe I'm doing it wrong, but the gloves wear through annoyingly fast. I need to get my own. 

I'm thinking of plopping down for some heavy-duty industrial gloves but I'm worried that even the tough stuff will curdle under the blast of the wheel. Why spend twenty bucks on a single pair of gloves when that amount can get you ten pairs of gloves that will wear out fast but last longer in the end? 

I hope I switch out of this hellhole of a division before my mind gets overwhelmed and I dream of buffing wheels forever. 

Buffing wheels get hot. There is a lot of friction involved. Sometimes I burn myself with the wheel, and most of the time the metal bit that I am buffing is too hot to touch bare-handed. 

Switching topics: I discovered a barrel labeled "Potassium Cyanide" in the shop and its scary name made me want to talk about it. It's used in the electroplating process, which this shop does. 

Dangerous stuff indeed! I'll see you tomorrow. 

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