Monday, February 14, 2022

The Army Painter 1

 Hi. I recently got into a hobby known as wargaming, where one builds miniatures from parts and uses them to simulate battles on tables. I'm a total beginner at it, but through this series of blogs I want to document my journey from noob to more than a noob. 

There's so much to learn in this hobby. For my first paint job, I assembled and painted a squad of Warhammer's Adeptus Sororitas miniatures. These were sent to me by my cousin, who is really into Warhammer. 

Since that one squad costs about forty US dollars, and comes with a whopping total of ten miniatures, all of which I summarily proceeded to butcher the paint job of, I needed a large number of minis for cheap to practice painting. That's where I found Bolt Action. 

Bolt Action miniatures come in boxes of thirty for thirty or so dollars. They're a bit smaller than Warhammer minis, but they are just as detailed.

One of the steps before you start painting your miniatures is to prime them. I used a can of white primer from the hardware store, which works plenty fine. Then you have to put on a "base coat" of whatever color you want to be underneath your paint job on the actual miniature. 

Bolt Action minis

Badly massacred Adeptus Sororitas

Primed and ready to paint!
So here I go. My plan is to paint two minis at a time, and for each batch, try something new. I heard that's the best way to get good at something. I've got the paints, I've got the brushes, and now I head forth into the unknown. 

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