Friday, August 7, 2020

Just hurry up and fill my cavity!

Today I went to the dentist. This dentist, for some reason, liked making small talk. So, every time he would drill a bit into my teeth, he would leave me hanging for a minute while he told me a story about something or other that didn't really matter. I mean, he got the job done, but several times I was laying there thinking "my teeth are only partially drilled. Please hurry and keep drilling so I can end this."

It was a bit of a funny situation. Everyone knows that time is a lot slower when you are under the dentist's drill. So a minute of small talk seems like an eternity. He would drill or scrape a bit, talk for a minute, and then drill and scrape some more. It was probably the longest amount of time I've ever been worked on for a single cavity. 

Not to say that it was a terrible experience. It was just a bit funny that a professional would tell me a random story about lipstick and door knobs while drilling my teeth. Yikes. I mean, it's the closest dentist, so I'll go there again next time I need some tooth work done (walking an extra mile isn't worth this small complaint) but seriously, it was difficult to stay sane when the dentist was multitasking like that. 

I find this situation to be funnier in hindsight. During the ordeal, I wanted him to just be quiet and drill my teeth so that I could get it done faster. I respect his skill and, again, he got the job done. But it was a little weird while it was happening. 

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