Sunday, August 23, 2020

AI Dungeon is a real treat

Who would have thought that an interactive AI could say something as cool as "Leave the bodies be. The buzzards and rats can have them" after defeating a bunch of "wolves," otherwise known as "the hooded men" or "the shadow guard." They worship a monolithic entity called "The Great Wolf" and their leader, "the Old Alpha." 

Every single piece of lore was generated by an AI algorithm. After defeating the shadow guard, me and my party went to a town to try and recruit soldiers to fight against the wolves. On the way I asked one of my party members, Ant, who he was, and he gave me a backstory fit for any real NPC. Except: it was all AI generated!

Holy moly, the AIdungeon architecture is amazing. I'm on the edge of my seat. And this is just an artificial intelligence! 

I always have fun, playing around with AI. This is just one of those times. AI is going to keep improving, and before we know it we will have AI sentience. 

Here's a quote. When one of my party members said he was a monster, I told him he wasn't. "I guess I'm not," he said. "But I wish I was one. That would make things a lot easier."

That's the most philosophical thing I've ever heard an AI say. 

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