Thursday, August 6, 2020

Duct Tape is Silver

As a kid, I used to play around a lot with duct tape. One day my mother bought several rolls of duct tape online, and though they were thinner and smaller than they looked like in the pictures, they still worked to give me a passion that I held throughout elementary school and a good portion of high school. 

I made a lot of things out of duct tape. Wallets were the main one, and sometimes I would mix it with paper to make toys. The height of my duct tape obsession happened in middle school, when I built duct tape crossbows out of tape and paper and rubber bands. I even made arrows for them. I sold them at school for about ten bucks and for maybe a week during the middle of the school year you could find arrows flying everywhere in the halls and outside. 

Duct tape is fun. If you have kids, I recommend teaching them how to make stuff out of it. It will teach them creativity and give them an outlet to create things. When mixed with paper, origami, and other crafts, it can improve the lives of kids and show them how fun it is to be a creative person. 

I don't really play with duct tape anymore, but sometimes I'll look at the stuff and be taken back to my childhood in a wave of nostalgia. 

One way or another, kids will find out a way to be creative. 

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