Friday, May 22, 2020

All the Dandelions I can Handle

There are a ton of dandelions in Wisconsin. Like, boatloads more than I have ever seen in one place before. They bloomed in two stages: all yellow, and then all white and puffy. As I walk down the street, which I do quite often, I pick up the little puffballs and blow their seeds everywhere. It's akin to popping bubble wrap in terms of satisfying things. So many dandelions! Hundreds! Thousands!

At first I wanted to make dandelion wine. But I didn't have the equipment! And before I knew it the flowers had molted and there were hundreds of these white puffballs everywhere!
That's it. That's all I have to say. Lots and lots of dandelions. So fun to just scatter to the wind. Just don't scatter them into incoming breezes! The little seeds will get all over you. 

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